More Burgundian Pics
I dug through Arms and Armour of the Medieval Knight this morning for more Burgundian armour pictures, since the breadth I'd shown earlier was bothering me. This one's pretty interesting, and oddly topical:

It's a Flemish tapestry of Hercules opening the Olympics. The pair of plates on Herc are reminiscent of the French pair I discussed a bit here. though the shapes are bit different. It's hard to miss the Burgundian love of pimp-tastic hats, and the great batons. They'd be fantastic for a pas. There's a nice outer rib stop on Herc's arm harness, a Germanic feel for the elbow cops, and a curious lack of sabatons, which we'll see echoed below.
This handsome devil is a St. George painted in 1432 by Van de Weyden:

I don't really see why he wouldn't wear sabatons here when everything else except his head is well covered. The maile standard is visible, there's some sexy articulation in the inside of his elbow, and the knee cop has the odd diamond shape we saw on Bertrand du Guesclin's tomb. That would be easy enough to pattern, though the shaping and articulation would be a bit strange. The caption Edge and Paddock gave this says this is a Germanic harness and the breastplate is a katsenbust. It does have a bit of a different feel about it. I'm not so sure about the date being as early as 1432, since there are a number of later features in the harness.
Speaking of date issues, there's this guy, captured at the battle of Grandson in 1476. The caption indicates this is an export harness built around 1450. The 26 year gap bothers me, as it's clearly something a wealthy man of an insanely wealthy and fashion conscious court wore and was in good repair. It may well be an export piece though, as it has a lot in common with the 15th century Churburg harnesses.

It's a Flemish tapestry of Hercules opening the Olympics. The pair of plates on Herc are reminiscent of the French pair I discussed a bit here. though the shapes are bit different. It's hard to miss the Burgundian love of pimp-tastic hats, and the great batons. They'd be fantastic for a pas. There's a nice outer rib stop on Herc's arm harness, a Germanic feel for the elbow cops, and a curious lack of sabatons, which we'll see echoed below.
This handsome devil is a St. George painted in 1432 by Van de Weyden:

I don't really see why he wouldn't wear sabatons here when everything else except his head is well covered. The maile standard is visible, there's some sexy articulation in the inside of his elbow, and the knee cop has the odd diamond shape we saw on Bertrand du Guesclin's tomb. That would be easy enough to pattern, though the shaping and articulation would be a bit strange. The caption Edge and Paddock gave this says this is a Germanic harness and the breastplate is a katsenbust. It does have a bit of a different feel about it. I'm not so sure about the date being as early as 1432, since there are a number of later features in the harness.
