
So I was really behind schedule. Rather than completely rush things I ended up cleaning up my Black Prince arm harness and entering that in the arts and sciences competition at Candlemas. It did pretty well, and raised some interesting discussion with one of the judges. The gal who won the contest raised some sheep and knitted stockings out of their wool. I should have spent more time checking out the other entries. I think I probably placed pretty well, and there were a number which looked quite nice.

We performed Chanconetta Tedescha for the candle dance, and that went really well. I played Ogreball, which was a blast. I helped judge the kids' A&S competition, which was harder than I expected, but fun. I got a Sable Thistle for armouring in court. The scroll was nicely done, the award came from Thomas, whom I like, his words were kind and heartfelt. It's weird, but getting the award didn't make me happy. I'm not sure if I'm just being a self centered turd, or striving for something more. Max said a couple weeks ago that he thinks I'm really a grant level armourer, which would line up with an Iris, the award above a Sable Thistle. So on some level I think I was expecting that. So between that and my hopes that I'd win the A&S competition I was a little bummed.
I plan on doing some reasearch on bridges used to get over things. I might need one.


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